When on a long run and dark thoughts of quitting begin to creep into my mind because I am sore, tired and thirsty. I remind myself that I chose to run. Nobody made me get up, pull on the shoes and run. When I feel I can not go any further, I think of those who have passed in my life that will never run again and those fighting for my freedom who may not run again. I think of those who have suffered and tell myself I have no right to quit, I can run. It is a humble kick in the ass that keeps me pressing on.
Running has become a celbration of life on many levels. Running has helped me get fit, loose weight, clear my head and reach goals I never considered reaching. Like life running is full of ups and downs, positives and negatives, joy and pain. To keep going, pressing on, is to live and celebrate life and ones ability to choose to run.
My most recent 1/2 marathon had an insperational mile between miles 11 and 12. This mile lined with signs baring names of those who passed before us; husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, parents, sons, daughters, soliders. As I passed them I thought of those who have passed in my life. I thought of the inspiration I get from them and the fact I can run. As I ran I said every name from those signes and considered the impact that person had in someones life. It was amazing to realize how lucky I really am.
At the finish I posted my fastest 1/2 marathon time yet. Like in life, hard work pays off. If you do not keep going you will never reach your goals. So I run and I live and I celebrate just being alive!