Taking the time to go for a run, even a short run is selfish isn't it? It takes time away from all of your responsibilities leaves you with your thoughts, clears your mind. I have always managed my running time by getting up with the birds and hitting the road before any one else was up, before work. It has worked for me and I managed to train for my first marathon using this tactic.
However, when life happens it is to easy to put the run on the back burner. Too easy in fact. It starts with shutting off the alarm in the morning just to get a little more sleep. Then not running at lunch because you have to much work to do. You find yourself working later and later, missing dinner with the family and not going for a run because your just to tired. Saturday morning rolls around and you convince yourself you will go in the afternoon. A week has passed and you are agitated because you haven't run. Tension builds, your not sleeping well life has interfered. Getting out for a run is what you need to fix everything and you know it. For some reason you just can not make it happen.
Then finally you get out, you have pulled your self out of bed early enough to get in a run and it is the best feeling ever! Relief! You are reminded of the importance of getting out whenever you can to clear your head, release the negativity and frustration of the day of life. It is amazing how simple it is really. When life happens, GET OUT AND RUN!