My first run was solo and thank goodness, I was incapable of covering 1/2 a mile in 10 minutes and walked home exhausted, embarrassed and disgusted with myself. Somehow despite my rocky start that spring I keep heading out; day in day out, rain, heat, early and late, whenever I could. I just wanted to run. It was therapeutic and the pounds fell off. Running became something I had to do. Running allowed me time to reflect, feel sorry for myself and eventually get stronger, more confident and succeed and wanting more. I finished my first 5K that Labor Day and many since; 5, 10, 15K, 1/2 and full marathons, 50K, 30, 50 miles and beyond. Now…. I am a runner!
One thing that has alluded me over the years has been a running partner or partners. I have joined running clubs but some how could never make my schedule align with club events. Admittedly, I am pretty slow and am self conscious about that so I never attended group runs or work outs at the track. I always had something else to do on Thursdays at 1930. On the other hand, in an effort to balance the amount of time I spent running I was up and out early in an effort to not affect the family. It became evident that nobody wanted to run at 0530 on a brisk 12 degree January morning either. So I went solo and still do, every run.
Now I am aware of the benefits that can be gained from running with a partner or a group. I am at the point now that I would enjoy running with a group. I have gained enough on my solo runs that I am ready to share and appreciate running with others. I have met wonderful people running and at races, priceless experiences, experiences that I wouldn't have had doing anything else.
So it was a surprise that during a recent weekend visit of my sisters, Mom, nieces and nephew. My sister Stacy joined me for a couple runs. Now I had asked her to run with me before, for whatever reason it hadn't happened but that never kept me from heading out. Honestly, its quite possible that runners asking non runners to run is a tactic executed as a courtesy to let them know, "hay, I am going for a run," before anything else happens. Selfish maybe but….. mans gotta run!
I'd never had anyone actually take me up on it. Well maybe my kids now and again but that's all. It was so awesome that the first person to take me up on my offer was my sister. Those couple runs are some of the best I have ever done to date.