Monday, August 25, 2014

Connecting the Dots………..

 I often run around a lake that is frequented by chatty walkers. Don't get me wrong, I think it is great that they are making an effort to get outside and usually I just step around them without contact or thought. Sometimes they will step out of the way and if  eye contact is made "Hello" is always exchanged. Often I catch snippets of conversations that either make me laugh, shake my head or roll my eyes. Once in a great while I might catch something that makes me think for a few seconds. Rarely do I hear anything worthy of pondering, until recently.

 Run a loop like this often enough and you begin to recognize people. Some people you see more than others; like the guy that wears the Nebraska sweatshirt and Iowa hat (he has issues, obviously), or the lady who walks the two dachshunds her husband following with the golden. Always memorable is the somewhat pear shaped women who you can hear before you can see. Some folks say hello as if they have known you forever others fight every fiber of there being to say nothing at all.

  I heard her before I saw her, the pear shaped women that is and she was on a roll. She mentioned being tired of dieting and exercise. As she came into view she was saying something like "its all just business, they just want our money." As I passed she had gone on to say "I try so hard and nothing seems to work, it's like trying to connect the dots but something is missing."

 Now I remember the little connect the dots games on menus that revealed a cheerful hamburger character and the activity books mom picked up in the crummy toy section at the grocery store before a car trip, pages of connect the dots. Connecting the dots activities are intended to be a fun, simple little tasks to pass the time before something better comes along, not an analogy to fitness.

 So I have been pondering the pear shaped women's comment and have come to the conclusion that connecting the dots is exactly what fitness is. Consider the variables; endless health and fitness information, what works for some doesn't work for others. There are a lot of dots; nutrition, exercise, different types of exercise; yoga, cross fit, P90x, TRX, spin classes, ZUMBA, dot to dot to dot. If one of the dots is missing its easy to go astray or even give in all together and head right back to the couch.

 You can never expect to magically get fit the second you start working out, although there are claims out there that offer that. Unfortunately, connecting the dots of health and nutrition takes time, effort and commitment. The result when you start putting in the effort and putting the dots together is life changing.

 It is my opinion that being healthy and fit is a lifestyle choice and unfortunately like many things it takes work, often hard work. I have struggled connecting the dots myself, so I thought I would share what I consider to be the most important dots to connect. If you are teetering on giving up because something is missing consider the following:
  1. Develop a Plan - What do you want to achieve? Choose a goal and develop a plan to allow yourself to achieve that goal. Plan, commit and focus on the goal. 
  2. Make Time - Everyone has work, family and other commitments make time to achieve your goals. NO ONE CARES if you miss a work out but you should. Fitting in training is hard work make it happen. UP early, what ever it takes. NO Excuses!
  3. Diet - We have to eat so be smart about what you put into your body. Eat less processed food, more real food, like fruit, vegetables, lean meats and fish. Eat smaller portions and don't forget breakfast.  Some folks use supplements if you do use those without binders such as an Isotonix. Cut the JUNK soda, sugar etc. It will make a huge difference in how you feel and perform.
  4. Exercise Your Whole Body - Put squats, burpees, push-ups, pull-ups and triceps dips into your work out they will help you get fit in less time but…. you have to do them consistently and often. Think of functional training real life situations carrying a suitcase or groceries. Other exercises that will help you get conditioned, loose weight and burn fat are jumping jacks, long jumps, skips, jumping lunges, jumping rope and sprints. Add sessions of these exercises to your running or cycling plan and you will see a big change. BUT……. you have to do something everyday. If your are feeling bad don't do as much and if you are feeling good do more but don't do nothing! Get Out The Door!!
  5. Push Yourself - Even on your worst day you should be sweaty and exhausted by the end of your work out or you are not pushing hard enough. Remember we achieve the most when we challenge our comfort zones.
  6. Recover and Celebrate - Let yourself recover you can't push all the time but be smart about it. Take a walk instead of a run, get your sleep, make recovery active and enjoy.  Last but not least, allow yourself to celebrate reaching your goals, then choose another and get back to work.
 The pear shaped lady is right, it does often feel like something is missing but it is with in us all to connect the dots. Often, we must look within ourselves to find our cheerful little figure doing push ups at 0500. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Out the Door

 When getting out the door for a run becomes as challenging as the run itself it can jeopardize all of your previous effort. Toss in a family vacation or business travel and you might not run for a couple days, worse a week. Miss a week and anything can become fodder for excuses that can derail even the most dedicated runner.
  So far this year I have traveled more often than usual and missed more than a few planned work outs. Feeling guilty and discouraged with my lack of effort I vowed to change my lazy ways and get out the door whether home or away.
 On my next trip north I took a side trip in Winchester, Virginia for a run through The Virginia State Arboretum, a perfect break during a 12 hour solo drive. On subsequent trips I stopped in Maryland and ran along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and sections of the Appalachian.

 While in Savannah, Georgia for a conference I discovered an abandon Grand Prix race track, bank turns, tire walls, berms, pit row and all. Mother nature was working tirelessly to reclaim the concrete jungle, the sent of honey suckle replaced the stench of exhaust and sound of birds the squealing of tires, a perfect location for more than one morning outing while in Savannah.
 On a trip to Charlotte, North Carolina I discovered Ribbon Walk Nature Preserve. A hidden gem not far from the airport with fun, rolling, looping trails that filled a couple hours.
 During a weekend in Forest City, North Carolina for a RRCA coaching course my daughter and I spent an early Sunday morning running loops in a huge, empty Walmart parking lot. Obviously not the most memorable location for a run but the time with my daughter is irreplaceable.
  While in Pennsylvania for my in laws 50th wedding anniversary I found a new loop near their house with a nice mix of single track trail and bike path. Exactly what I needed to wrap up the week.

Most recently while in Greensboro, North Carolina for a few days my runs included loops in a mall parking lot under street lights at "o dark 30." One morning I stumbled upon a trail around a lake in a housing development that was a nice change from circling the parking lot.
 A parking garage not far from the hotel provided a perfect location for a hill workout one morning. I am fortunate to not be short of hills where I live parking garages are well parking garages. During my long run I followed a set of  rail road tracks for quite awhile before crossing a creek and ducking into some woods on a trail that eventually dumped me out into an over grown field littered with piles of gravel, old black top and crushed concrete. I followed a gravel road on the other side of the field and soon passed under I40 and into an industrial area where I circled countless warehouses and eventually over I40. I had no clue where I was, nervous and starting to freak out a little, I worried about getting back in time for my meeting. Suddenly, as if approaching a mirage in the desert the hotel appeared in front of me as the early light of morning washed over me. I made it!
 Relieved but exhilarated from my morning adventure I remembered that getting out the door is the adventure. Now that I have gotten getting out the door while traveling dialed in doing so at home needs a little improvement, but I am working on it.