It was a strain to get out of bed the other morning. Finally I willed myself from beneath the thick layer of warmth, flopped my legs over the edge of the bed and into my slippers and sat motionless. I had not run in a couple days and had to get out. However the draw of the warmth was sucking me back into bed like the tractor beem of the Death Star, maybe I could sleep just a little longer. Out of the fog I heard a faint voice. It was indistinguishable at first. Like a voice in my head, where was it coming from? Suddenly I felt a jarring jab in my side that snapped me out of my daze my wife said "Just go will you!'
My pace did not quicken when I got into the kitchen either. I caught myself trying everything to avoid steeping out. I glanced at the thermometer under the porch expecting the worst, it was 40 degrees. My spirits lifted immediately and I was out the door in a flash. I ran the first couple miles at a steady pace, minding my own business, cares lost in the calm of a beautiful morning.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I noticed what appeared to be another runner across the field in the direction I was heading. Who's that I wondered? My pace quickened, I felt good despite not running for a few days. As I turned into mile three, the runner in the distance was moving away from me quickly. My pace quickened again, could I catch him?
The runner, now further away from me than I care to admit disappeared over a small hill in the distance. I accelerate again, instinct rose from deep down, my pulse quickens, sweat builds, lungs heave. The chase was on. I attacked the hill when I reached it: increased foot speed, pumping arms, eyes fixed, driving, reaching for the horizon. As I sail over the crest of the hill in hot pursuit, sweat sting in my eyes, I stop dead in my tracks face to face with a huge cow. Looking up at me with those big eyes as if to say.....What?
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