I work in the ski industry, mountain operations and 70, 90 even 100 hour work weeks and no days off are not uncommon this time of year. The constant battle with Mother Nature to eek out a ski season in the Mid-Atlantic is hard fought and takes its toll on health, patience and relationships. I work, eat and sleep and when I am not working I don't want to do anything, nothing, NADA! Unfortunately, that includes skiing, running and other outdoor pursuits I enjoy and quite frankly rather be doing. This morning while perusing Facebook I watched a short clip that my friend Rex Lint produced for Northern Escape Heli-Skiing -
http://vimeo.com/57413660 . It made me realize that I need to stop loafing around and do what I love doing
So.....I got off my ass and went for a run. It was not far or fast but I got out the door and you know what? I feel better! It is so easy to get wrapped up in all the bullshit that clutters up our daily lives and feel sorry for ourselves. You can't wish things better or wait around for them to change on there own. So I went for a run and plan to run as often as I can this winter and ski ya.. ski, how about that. Wish I would have made this discovery last week when I could have run when it was 50 degrees, better late than never.
Thanks Rex
"Those not happy with the angle of the sun should climb up and change it." Ancient Proverb
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