Thursday, May 12, 2016


My Appalachian Trail story began 40 years ago when my Uncle David first shared stories with me about his experiences along the trail, I was probably six, maybe older. I remember listening wide eyed and in awe. Later at an AT crossing somewhere in Virginia on a summer tour of Civil War battle fields with my Dad and Uncle Taylor, I recall fondly us considering what it would be like to walk to Maine from where we stood. I wondered, "could I". In 1995 I somehow convinced my wife to through hike the 2,180+ mile length of the trail from Georgia to Maine. That trip has been over for years but recoverable memories sneak back time and again reminding me of our adventure. In the last 14 years I have lived with in a few miles of the trail allowing for frequent outings with our old friend. Re-hiking countless sections along the AT, introducing the trail to our kids.

There is  a mystique about the Appalachian Trail that few appreciate and even fewer understand. It somehow has the ability to become a part of you. It certainly holds a special place in my heart. The wilderness experience it allows, its accessibility and its history: first conceived in 1921 by Benton Mackaye. Makes the Appalachian Trail the first and a stand out, long distance trail.

Since relocating to North Carolina I have aspired to traverse the 72 mile section of the AT through the Smoky Mountain National Park in one push. This section of trail is technical, with a lot of steep rocky climbs and descents on single track along the spine of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Starting at Fontana Dam at the southern end of the park the trail climbs 2000' in the first 4 miles. Continuing north towards Davenport Gap at the northern end of the park along Interstate 40 the route has an elevation gain over 18,000', 12,800' of that in the first 40 miles. Food and gear must be carried with you and water pulled from streams along the way. The only bail-out or support possible is at mile 40 at Newfound Gap where the trail crosses US441 inside the park.

While planning my attempt to cover the 72 mile section of the AT I discovered that completion of the route is not really a unique feet. Know as the SCAR (Smokies Challenge Adventure Run) dozens of people have navigated the route over the years. The Fastest Known Time (FKT) website state the Vicki Johnson first traversed the route in the mid 80's in under 20 hours. There are also a handful of documented crossing in the mid 90's. Most recently David Worth set the supported SCAR/FKT in 20011 covering the distance in 14h 40m 22s and in 2014 Billy Simpson set the double SCAR standard in 3d 7 h 25m. Additionally, more than a dozen people have completed the route in less than 24 hours including ultra running Legend David Horton.

I am not the same caliber of runner that David Horton is, and I certainly wont be challenging David Worth's SCAR/FKT when I set off Friday May 13, 2016 from Fontana Dam on my SCAR attempt, but I've got to tell you if I can cover the distance in 24 hours or less I will be ecstatic. Honestly, I will be thrilled to make it to Davenport Gap on my own power, I will certainly give it my best shot. I will let you know how it turns out.