Tuesday, September 30, 2014




Lately, I have been thinking a lot about inspiration; what it means to me, where I find it, even where other people find it. I have been thinking about it so much that I struggled to type this. Inspiration is subjective, I have figured that out. Inspiration comes from numerous sources, you could say countless: quotes, individuals, our kids, the environment (beautiful views), photos, music, works of art, even extraordinary acts of individuals. Inspirational possibilities are limitless and are as varied you and I or winter and summer.

While considering what inspires me I realized that I have never discussed what inspires me with anyone. Why Not? Well, because its personal, extremely subjective and that is "sticky", isn't it. Sure one might repost a quote on face book, I have, but have you shared what inspires you with anyone? Maybe we don't typically discuss inspiration because we often experience it alone; a majestic sun rise during a morning run for example. My wife and kids always ask "how was your run", but if I responded with detail on how the sun rise inspired me they would look at me as if I had two heads. Not that they don't care they just didn't see it.

There is also a chance that what inspires you will not inspire someone else, knowing that we don't share, we keep it to ourselves. Sad Really! Last week I requested folks share their inspiration on my "I Don't Run Fast" Facebook page and only had one response, thanks Mike.

Like goals I believe inspiration is meant to be shared. Sharing what inspires us and why could go a long way to improving our ability to communicate and get to know each other. Possibly, encouraging understanding and appreciation of those we know and even those we don't. Maybe it would allow us to be more successful or more willing to help someone in need. The possibilities are as limitless as the sources of inspiration themselves. Share your.....inspiration! I dare you.

      Who Inspires You?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Summer is winding down, snow has fallen out west and leaves are changing in the north  but there are places still feeling the heat. So I wanted to share my favorite beat the heat trick, The SLUSH PUPPiE RUN! Here in the mountains of North Carolina summer heat isn't nearly as oppressive as in other parts of the state or the country and I am grateful. Early morning runs seem to be the only option to avoid the heat but for some getting up that early just isn't doable. I can only assume that those folks suffer needlessly and are the reason countless articles are written on this topic every year. I have offered some pointers in previous posts myself but in reality nothing new has surfaced to "beat the heat" as they say. Common sense rules this topic in my opinion and not everyone has it, sorry.

Setting up a quality Slush Puppie run takes a little planning and logistics but worth the effort I can assure you. First, find a vendor  that serves Slush Puppie and plan a run to incorporate a stop at said Quickie Mart, the middle of a long run is perfect. In my opinion it must be a Slush Puppie and not any other icy drink. A Slurpee just isn't the same and Sonic Drive In's aren't easy to find, although they have a decent flavor selection.

Why Slush Puppie? Well there are a couple reasons
 a) The flavors, there are just more choices and depending on my mood I can have grape or coconut, apple or raspberry, it just depends. Nice to have choices.
b) the texture of the ice makes for a better more cooling experience
c) they are cheep and pretty easy to find
d) they do the trick

Remember, take all other suggested precautions for running in heat, get out early, wear a hat, carry water, put ice on neck so that you actually make it to the Quickie Mart without falling over. I guaranteed you will be floored how much a sweet raspberry Slush lowers your body temperature on a sweltering July run. You may get a strange look when you pull a sweat soaked dollar out of your running shorts but who cares you need a cool down. The second half of your run will be effortless.

Don't forget to stuff a couple bucks in your shorts.
Enjoy your run and your Slush Puppie