September 25th 0500 it is 79F already. Dark clouds roll over the moon allowing inconsistent patches of light for a morning ride. This morning I am wearing a Princeton Tec-Aurora head lamp, it is lite and I like the beam it puts out use it to run as well. I am also wearing a Colorado DOT certified reflective vest "one must be seen." A stiff breeze is warm, uncharasticly warm even on a moving bike. I rarely go very far 15-20 miles and never very fast (the ol' Surley single-speed wont allow it). I ride to cross train in between runs, loosens the legs. My goal: The Marine Corps Marathon October 31st.
10990 is old Dairy and Apple country, narrow rodes criss-cross a landscape of rolling hills a patch work of hay fields, cow pastures, orchards and housing developments. A perfect place to link together 3,5,7,9,12 and 20mile loops for training purposes. Over the last 12 weeks I have become quite familiar with these loops and despite the arrant driver have come to enjoy being out there.
This morning darkness seems to be holding back the rising sun with all it's mite. Moon light and head lamp make for tricky shadows as I link together a 15 mile ride. Those tricky shadows make me do a double take more than once. Playing tricks on the mind only to hide again as a cloud passes over the moon.
As I lean into my last climb it appears something is standing in the middle of the road at the top, tricks again I put my head down and climbed. Another look and still something appears to be in the road, tricks, I climb. A snort like you may hear from a bull snaps me out of rhythm. I bring the head lamp level with a deer standing in the middle of the road, no trick she turns hooves clicking on the pavement and crashes into the woods. I take a breath, my heart beat resumes I head for home.
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